Vice President Kamala Harris to Speak in Arizona Following Controversial Abortion Ruling

US Vice President Kamala Harris
US Vice President Kamala Harris. Credit | Getty images

United States – US Vice President Kamala Harris will take a trip to Arizona on Friday, following closely behind the ruling by a court in that state that has restored a 160-year-old abortion law, reigniting a highly contentious issue in what is sure to be one of the fiercest contests in 2024’s highly contested election states.

Court Decision Sparks Political Turmoil

The Arizona’s conservative Supreme Court’s decision gave a jolt to the state that stands just five electoral votes from the weighty presidential election and control of the Senate.

Communicating practitioners highlighted the court decision, which eradicates nearly all abortions, would especially attract even GOP-shaded moderate enthusiasts while also energizing young and minority voters.

US President Joe Biden delegated Vice-President Harris, a former prosecutor and senator, to be in charge of the action of the administration in connection with the US Supreme Court’s 2022 decision that rejected Roe v. Wade, which, in turn, was about abortion rights and with attracting core liberal voters who, for now, doubt of Rosen’s second, four-year term.

Strategic Importance of Arizona

U.S. President Joe Biden. Credit | AP

Biden was defeated in Arizona by just over 11,000 votes out of the three and a half million ballots cast in 2020, the Democrat’s closest win in any other state.

Democrats hope that tightening abortion fetters would enable them to win another victory in Texas state, where constituents have traditionally been more related to inflation and immigration problems.

Harris’s Planned Address

Preliminary statements from a campaign official indicate that Harris will address reproductive health patients and professionals in Tucson with the statement, “We all must understand who is to blame: It is the former president, Donald Trump.”

“Here’s what a second Trump term looks like more bans, more suffering, less freedom. But we are not going to let that happen.”

Harris stayed in Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, just a few months ago to discuss the right to abortion as part of her tour across 20 states that was named “Fight for Reproductive Rights” and included a visit to a clinic in Minnesota that offers abortion services.

Biden and Trump Responses

Former U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. President Joe Biden. Credit | Getty images

Trump, now shaping up with Biden for the November election, has kept a safe distance from the decision of Arizona’s Supreme Court. On Wednesday, he argued that the court had overdone the abortion revived of the near-total ban. However, it allows states to restrict abortion providers.

“President Trump could not have been clearer. These are decisions for people of each state to make,” said Karoline Leavitt, an aide from the Trump campaign.

The Biden commercial that is on air in Arizona features a woman from Texas sobbing through her recollections of attempted suicide after she was denied an abortion after a miscarriage. On a black screen, the lines “Donald Trump did this” pop up; meanwhile, her cries are heard as they continue in the background.

“What would you tell the people of Arizona if asked at the White House today,” Biden answered, “Please, elect me.”

Biden pledged to legalize abortion, but he failed to enact a bill for this purpose even though one party-controlled Congress by a small margin in 2021-2023.